Thursday, August 4, 2011

It's Summer Time!

So I have been out of the loop for a little while, I guess I figure not too many "Martha Like" things have been going on lately. I have been a little uninspired, the cause I believe comes from being unemployed and trying to find a "grown up" job. It's hard going. But life is still going ok.
I have been doing some cool stuff, trying to bulk up my demo reel, spending time with family, volunteering at the SPCA, doing odd jobs and trying to get some confidence while dealing with this whole job search thing. I know I am not the only one, but this is the first time I have ever been without a job and it is quite lame! It can also be confusing looking for a job because I find myself questioning what I want to do for work. What can I do well? What kind of schedule is good for me? What am I willing to sacrifice so I can just start making money again? Go for what I want, or go for what I can get like another restaurant job. Only time and effort will tell.
Not to be a total downer, but just thought I would update. Thanks for reading.

It's still summertime, so i'll have a little fun.