I have been doing some cool stuff, trying to bulk up my demo reel, spending time with family, volunteering at the SPCA, doing odd jobs and trying to get some confidence while dealing with this whole job search thing. I know I am not the only one, but this is the first time I have ever been without a job and it is quite lame! It can also be confusing looking for a job because I find myself questioning what I want to do for work. What can I do well? What kind of schedule is good for me? What am I willing to sacrifice so I can just start making money again? Go for what I want, or go for what I can get like another restaurant job. Only time and effort will tell.
Not to be a total downer, but just thought I would update. Thanks for reading.
It's still summertime, so i'll have a little fun.

Hi, love--
ReplyDeleteI know how frustrating and depressing job hunting can be. I saw this ad up recently: http://www.media-match.com/usa/current/editor-fcp-offline-job-24873381
Also check mandy.com for production jobs.
Don't give up hope. It's rough out there, but don't settle for doing a job that you don't enjoy.
I was recently inspired by kind of a modern Martha: http://luxirare.com/topic/food/ She does fashion and food, but her food is insanely impressive. Check out the bloodless mary and the seafood squares to go first, but you'll want to look at all of it after that. She's also a beautiful photographer, so all her food pics are enough to inspire. :)
Keep me updated!
This job, too: http://www.media-match.com/usa/jobsboard_detail.php?job_uid=24872214&au=1056005&ah=e6fb8f9a&ux=1315076701&utm_source=Our%2BSite&utm_medium=Email&utm_campaign=JobAlert
ReplyDeleteThank you so much for the links and the support. It means a lot coming from you. I had not heard of mandy.com or mediamatch.com. That will def. be helpful with the job search. It's been tough but I have been trying to stay positive and keep with it. There are those days and sometimes weeks that I stop looking but then get back on track again. I will be checking in with luxirare.com as well. Awesome! I love food!!
How are things at your job up there? Is it like TBC?
Thanks again dude! And love those new tats. I need to get a new one soon, I feel the itch!
I started looking for a job 6 months before I moved up to CT. It's a full-time job looking for a job. I'd go to work at TBC and then come home and send my resume/demo reel (which I had to make, and make a website) to companies and apply to any jobs that were posted. I sent my resume to every media company up here - even ones that weren't hiring, just so they had my name.
ReplyDeleteI also ended up looking on http://www.communicationsjobs.net/, http://www.simplyhired.com (which pulls from a lot of places), monster, http://www.mediabistro.com/ and I got a paid account with media-match.com. Also, I checked in with the film office of the state. Sometimes they post jobs there. :)
It definitely sucks looking for work, but you'll prevail. You're good and smart and pretty and awesome. It'll work out... it just takes a lot of networking. Do you know anyone who works at Cerebral Lounge or Producer's Video? Best way to get a position is knowing someone, unfortunately.
Things are going well up here. I'm working at a small agency and I'm the head (and pretty much the only person) in/of the Production department. I do everything from concepting to producing, coordinating, shooting (usually hire a crew, though), directing, editing, animating and trafficking spots out to stations. It's a lot, but it's kind of nice to be involved in every aspect and is good experience for the future. It's mainly a 9-5 which is INSANELY different than TBC. It's crazy how much you can do with that extra time!
I miss the people at TBC, though. It's really incredible how important it is (or how much it changes things) to like the people you work with. I had so many friends at TBC and they're lifelong friends, for sure. That's definitely different in my new job... People in CT are a bit different than Marylanders, but I'm trying.
Let me know what you think about luxirare. Definitely inspiring, I think. High end shit, but interesting for sure.
Thanks! The tattoo shop I go to is amazing. Really. I couldn't be happier with how they turned out. :) What are you going to get next?? Something HP related?
Keep me updated on the job hunt! :) Looks like mandy.com got that government job posted, too. I get the emails from them and it was on the one today.
Take care and good luck!
Stay posi!!! <3