Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Another Year, Another Fairie Festival!

The Spoutwood Farm Fairie Festival has come and gone once again.
This year I went by myself. I love to go and people watch and just hang out and listen to the live music that they have going on. Spoutwood farm is a beautiful place. I always feel very peaceful when I am there.

Here are a few photos I took with my iPhone, mostly landscape, not many fairies.


  1. I love how all of these pictures have an ethereal quality that matches your subject matter quite well. And, may I say...bubbles!!!! :)

  2. Love the title :p So sad I couldn't make it with my fellow fairie this year! Alas. We will have to talk soon about summer solstice! Last year's was sooo amazing, that pic of you making a circle with the sparkler is seriously one of my favorite pics ever.
